Overtake Your Limits




step by step guide

School aquatic programs are very popular, but they can be challenging to normal sports programmes to run and coordinate the aquatics.
Academic Swimming can help you develop, grow and implement professional swimming programs at any International, Local and Private school.
Our staff are qualified and are following a high level of American, British and European standards.
Our Aquatic curriculum is a programme of study undertaken by students in schools, leisure facilities and clubs. It encompasses their entire learning package, resulting in their final successful retention of the learning outcomes. We also have various models for Swimming Federations, but all our curriculum plans culminate in the successful adaptation of the 'Long Term Athlete Development' and 'Athlete Development Support Pathway'.

Each stage of a student’s education is guided by a curriculum, so designing them appropriately and effectively is vital.
The curriculum that we plan encapsulates everything we offer that is an opportunity for students to learn something new, either through direct experience, instruction, practice or by some form of academic osmosis.
Breadth and Depth
Breadth is the range of subjects taught across the entire Aquatic curriculum and the span of knowledge within each stage.
This broad curriculum focuses on all curriculum outcomes, not just one area.
Our depth in our curriculum ensures that students understand each unit that is covered and studied.
The Aquatic curriculum intricacy and complexity of the schema formed during the study to enable conceptual grasp and understanding.
This allows students to understand key concepts, underlying links et al.

Curriculum structure
A vertical structure introduces curriculum aspects progressively as the school year develops, with knowledge built on prior learning.
What students learn in lesson one is built on in lesson two!
What students learn in one year is built on in the following year!
Knowledge builds on and expands previous learning and new ideas can be added swiftly.